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3D Custom Coaster

This project was started at the beginning of 2022 with the goal to complete it by the end of the year. The final product for this project will be a 1/35 scale model coaster that is fully functional with programed, station gates, lift/launch (have not decided as of yet), block zones, brakes, and lights. I am still working on this project, but if you would like to follow along in my progress you can view it by clicking the button below.

Animatronic Eye

This pair of eyes is my first animatronic project. It was an idea I have had for a while. I did research online for different mechanisms that have been created and modelled my own based on those references. I used Fusion 360 to model the pieces, an Arduino UNO computer to program the motion, and a 3-D printer to make the parts. I tried to make the design as compact as possible so in the future it could be mounted inside a model head with relative ease. 

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Wheel Bogie Project (1).jpg

Rollercoaster Wheel Assembly

As my final project in my Fundamentals of Computer Aided Design course, I chose to design a roller coaster's wheel bogie assembly. I used Creo to design the 3D model and AutoCAD to create drawings for each part and the completed assembly. My goal of the project was to create a bogie that would allow for a smooth ride and easy maintenance.

No Limits Coaster Design

I am fascinated with the design and artistry that goes into creating a good rollercoaster layout. I began occasionally designing coasters on video games like Rollercoaster Tycoon, until I found No Limits and worked to learn the program. It quickly became one of my favorite pastimes. I would draw out coaster layouts on paper and then spend a weekend designing that coaster in No Limits. I still design a coaster or two from time-to-time, either as a weekend project or for design competitions, and challenge myself to meet a certain requirements such as throughput, number of inversions, or intensity level. 

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